Auslan at NMPS

Students in all year levels at NMPS learn Auslan through dedicated weekly lessons as part of the Specialist program.

Students are introduced to Auslan as a signed language using the hands, with no voice, which is used by the Australian Deaf Community. Students learn about Deaf Culture, Feelings, Greeting and Questions and Around the House. They also learn about Sea Animals, Days of the Week and Months of the Year, Counting (using their dominant/writing hand) and Weather.

Lessons consist of explicit teaching through teacher demonstration, with student learning supported by activities, games, stories, songs, poems, videos and group practice.

Learning Auslan involves both expressive (signing) and receptive understanding skills (reading back what others’ sign), and lesson activities continue to develop these skills. Students mainly work in the whole group, managed by the teacher and are provided with the opportunity to reflect on their learning together.

We encourage you to speak with your child about their Auslan learning each week and to support them to practise at home.