The first iPad was released in 2010. North Melbourne Primary School was quick to realise the educational benefits and began embedding this technology into the curriculum in 2011.

Fast forward to 2024 and today’s children are growing up in a rapidly changing world powered by technology. Unexpected world events including COVID-19 has accelerated the shift to digital learning, digital and remote workplaces, virtual meetings and ecommerce.

Technology is driving innovation, progress and holds the key to future employment. According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs report, two thirds of children entering primary school today will end up working in industries and job types that don’t even exist yet.

Transferable skills such as Collaboration, Creativity, Communication, Critical-thinking and Problem Solving are recognised as essential for future careers.

The nature of education and learning is changing, and at North Melbourne we have created digitally rich, flexible learning spaces that foster these 21 century skills.

We are committed to giving students the best possible start to their education: building skills to help them thrive in the future. We embed technology throughout the curriculum and provide new opportunity for students to represent their thinking, clarify ideas, make connections, identify patterns, and reflect on their thinking across the curriculum.

We use technology to personalise learning and create engaging learning environments. Students become digitally fluent, responsible users of technology. They develop skills that give them every opportunity to succeed in high school, university and beyond.

Recently, North Melbourne Primary School was selected as one of 5 Victorian Schools to participate in Apple Education’s Inspire Innovation program. Click on the image below to see our journey and examples of our amazing student at work.

North Melbourne Primary School