Please note that NMPS has no influence over the placement of your child at their preferred high school.
2024 Information:
Early in Term 2 each year, we sent home High School Transition information with your child.
As your child is now in their final year of primary school, it is time to decide where they will begin secondary school. Enrolling a child in Year 7 is an important choice.
Your child is guaranteed a place at their local designated neighbourhood school, however you can choose to request enrolment at another school if you prefer. The secondary school will use the Placement Policy to consider the application.
What you need to do:
Note: Your child’s VSN is attached to your child’s envelope.
- Read the transition information pack that your child will be given. The current pack can be found above.
- Look at the timeline for important dates (in the transition pack)
- Locate your designated neighbourhood school or preferred secondary schools using
- Complete the Application for Year 7 Placement form and return it to the front office for Kristen Pepyat at your primary school by Friday 10th May 2024.
- If your child will be attending a private school, families need to let Kristen Pepyat, the NMPS transition coordinator know the name of the school and if your child has a confirmed place.
- Families will receive the high school placement letter from NMPS on Wednesday 17 July 2024. Included in this placement letter is information on the appeal process if families did not receive their first choice.
- Friday 26 July 2024 is the Final date for appeals to be lodged.
- Secondary schools will notify all parents/carers in writing of the outcome of their placement appeal by Tuesday 6 August 2024. Note: If your appeal to your preferred secondary school is unsuccessful, you may lodge a further written appeal to the relevant Department of Education Regional Director.
- The closing date for parents/carers to lodge a written placement appeal with the relevant Regional Director where they are unsuccessful with their appeal to the secondary school is Tuesday 20 August 2024.
- The Regional Office will notify all parents/carers in writing of the outcome of Regional Director placement appeals by Friday 18 October 2024. Note: this only applies to appeals received by the closing date of Friday 26 July 2024.
- Secondary schools host an orientation day for Y6 students on Tuesday 10 December 2024. This date will differ for private schools. Please note that NMPS have no influence on students receiving placements at your child’s preferred high school. Families also need to be aware the individual high schools will require further documentation as part of the enrolment process. It is your responsibility to ensure you have been in communication with your preferred school to ensure you have met all their requirements.

Further Information
Families also need to be aware the individual high schools will require further documentation as part of the enrolment process. It is your responsibility to ensure you have been in communication with your preferred school to ensure you have met all their requirements.
Linked below are some of the local high school options. Please read them carefully. You will find information on:
- Documentation they require as part of their transition process
- Dates of open days
- Accelerated programs (if applicable)
Princes Hill Secondary College
For further information, please refer to the Department of Education
If you have questions, please contact the NMPS Y6 transition coordinator via